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Educational Sign Language Resources

ASL Clear

Visually oriented website to represent vocabulary/concepts needed in ASL.

Click on the title to see this is a collection of vocabulary for STEM based information (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics).  There are a variety of presenters and they constantly add to the site.

ERCOD from Texas School for the Deaf

Education Resource Center on Deafness has a YouTube channel that has classroom resources from storytelling to science.  They have also have parent training and Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Parent Perspective video resources.

RMDS ASL Education

Rocky Mountain Deaf School has put together ASL poetry, essays, stories and some math concepts through adult and children language models.

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community

NTID has put together a resource page for STEM resources.  Some links are not valid anymore.

ASL Core

RIT has put together a website with the 5 academic branches of Philosopy, Literature, Biology, Physics and Art for vocabulary and concepts in American Sign Language.

myASL Tech

Website allows you to create many different ASL supported materials and quizzes with ASL clip art and videos. Membership required for under $15 a month depending on the size of your group using the resources.  Also, has stories, games and other resources available.

This site has an awesome amount of educational sign language vocabulary references.  The downside is they are all in mov (movie) format so they don't automatically load but must be dowloaded.  However, they do have an adroid version as well. A great resource none-the-less!

Literature Resources in ASL

Crom Saunders provides many American Sign Language translations of titles like "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" by Emily Dickinson to "True Story" by Shel Silverstein.

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