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Science Resources

Science News ASL - Hydrogen

Michael Stultz produces what he calls Science News in ASL.  It is a great place to see vocabulary, classifiers and explanations in ASL.

Lab Sciences Vocabulary

This is organzied so that you are able to search for terms in alphabetical order.  It is produced by RIT.  It has some slightly different signs but is nice as the term and definition are signed.  You are also able to see the sign produced in a sentence.

Science Signs Lexicon

This is an older version of signed vocabulary produced by RIT.  It is nice because there are also visual representations of concepts or written descriptions.

Know That?! No Cold!?

This video was produced by Atwi and Jeremy as part of the Educational Resource on Deafness through Texas School for the Deaf.  This particular video discusses cold(or the idea that there is no such thing as cold).  This duo has also produced several other videos - a few being, How heavy are the clouds?, Humans Smell! and Peanut butter diamonds.

Science Vocabulary

This is a list of science vocabulary.  It is in alphabetical order but there is no listing of the terms that will be signed other than to watch the video.  It is produced by Jacksonville State University.

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